Videos Uploaded By Unnatural Vegan (Page 1)

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Why I Don't Take Nutrition Advice From Dr. Neal Barnard
Why I Don't Take Nutrition Advice From Dr. Neal Barnard
References* A Vegan Debunks 'What the Health' Documentary Mic the Vegan is Wrong About Oil (Should Vegans Eat Oils?)
Video Length: 21:25
Uploaded By: Unnatural Vegan
View Count: 98,399

To Sam Harris (& all new vegans): Vegan Nutrition Basics
To Sam Harris (& all new vegans): Vegan Nutrition Basics
Sam Harris recently announced on his Waking Up podcast that he is considering going vegan and would like some help with regard to vegan nutrition. So Sam, if you're watching, I hope you find...
Video Length: 07:07
Uploaded By: Unnatural Vegan
View Count: 201,162

Soy is healthy so eat it. Or eat other beans instead. Or eat both. Whatever.
Soy is healthy so eat it. Or eat other beans instead. Or eat both. Whatever.
No, tofu won't give you cancer or man boobies. Well, it probably won't. *References* Phytoestrogens vs estrogen ...
Video Length: 16:06
Uploaded By: Unnatural Vegan
View Count: 119,759

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